Embark on a thrilling adventure in "Ninja Frenzy," where players take command of a nimble ninja hero embodied as a bouncing ball on a noble quest to gather fruits and combat hunger. Set against a captivating backdrop, this game unfolds in a dynamic world where the ninja must navigate through various challenges, overcoming obstacles, and confronting enemies strewn along the path. The engaging gameplay combines skillful bouncing maneuvers with strategic fruit collection, creating an exhilarating experience as players guide the ninja hero through a perilous journey to not only satiate their appetite for excitement but also contribute to the fight against hunger in this imaginative and action-packed gaming universe.


Use arrow right / left to move

Use arrow up to jump.

Use x, y ,a for conversation with NPC


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i like the concept. ate some good fruit. on level 2 rn. lots of jumping

also i make YT videos about itch games like this one:

do you want your game reviewed in my next video???

Deleted 312 days ago